Each student deserves to unlock their true academic, creative, social, and emotional potential. DYP provides a platform for students and parents to engage with experienced mentors to create a dynamic plan for the future.
ABQ has developed this two-part (Grades 3-7 and 8-12) market-leading mentorship programme with a focus on 21st century skills, educational goal setting and career guidance.
The Discovering You Programme (DYP) provides students with the opportunity to learn and master 12 vital 21st century skills (21CS). This personalised education and mentoring programme produces a holistic picture of each child’s academic and non-academic capabilities, whilst also identifying specific areas for potential growth and development.
A 360° holistic report card measures each student’s academic capabilities benchmarked against the 21st century skills needed for future enrichment and success. This report card illustrates the way forward in terms of career/aptitude testing, academic requirements for tertiary education and aligns these with applicable scholarships and undergraduate programmes, both locally and abroad.
Browse the DYP brochure
ABQ’s DYP 21st Century Skills video series
Introducing ABQ’s DYP 21st Century Skills video series! The twelve 21st Century skills covered in this program are: Critical thinking, Creativity, Collaboration, Communication, Information literacy, Media literacy, Technology literacy, Flexibility, Leadership, Initiative, Productivity, and Social skills.